International Travel


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Independent State of Samoa
Exercise normal precautions in Samoa. Please read the entire travel advisory.

Reissued after periodic review with minor edits.

Exercise normal precautions in Samoa.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Samoa.

If you decide to travel to Samoa:


Embassy Messages


Quick Facts


Must be valid at the time of entry


One page required for entry stamp


Not required for stays under 90 days







United States Embassy Samoa
ACC Building,
Apia, Samoa
+685 21436 / 21631 / 21452 or 22696
Business Hours Emergency Telephone: +685 21631 ext. 2222
Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +685 777 1776 Please leave a message, and the Duty Officer will return your call
Fax: +685 22030

Samoa offers four types of entry visas: Visitor, Temporary Resident, Permanent Resident and Ministerial.

Visitors to Samoa can apply for a 90-day Visitor Permit on arrival. Travelers must have:

  • a passport valid for at least 6 months beyond the intended stay
  • confirmed onward tickets (Return Ticket)
  • visas for the next country of destination (if applicable)
  • sufficient funds to support themselves (while in Samoa)
  • confirmed residential contact address

Additional details about Samoan entry requirements for temporary resident, permanent resident and ministerial permits are available at: Permit Services - Ministry of the Prime Minister and CabinetNon-citizen U.S. nationals can apply for a visitor’s permit at the Samoa Consulate General office in Pago Pago, American Samoa:

Visit the Samoa Immigration website for Samoa’s most current visa information.

You must pay a departure tax when you leave the country (this tax is normally included in airfares).

Find information on dual nationality, prevention of international child abduction and customs regulations on our websites.


  • You should remain aware of your surroundings, lock your doors at night, and do not leave your belongings unattended.
  • Incidents of petty theft and robberies are common in Samoa. Some incidents have involved residential break-ins.
  • While rare, violent assaults, including sexual assaults, have occurred in Samoa. Remain alert near Apia’s downtown bars and restaurants. Some violent incidents involving foreigners and Samoans have occurred in that area. No specific groups have been targeted, and there have been no reported racially motivated or hate crimes against U.S. citizens.
  • Police in Apia generally respond quickly to incidents. Dial 911 for emergency assistance. However, there is a very limited police presence elsewhere in Samoa. In areas outside of Apia order is maintained primarily by local village authorities. Police response outside of Apia is not as quick or reliable.

International Financial Scams: See the Department of State and the FBI pages for information.

Victims of Crime: U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault are encouraged to contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance.

Report crimes to the local police at 911 and contact the U.S. Embassy at 21631. Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crime.

See our webpage on help for U.S. victims of crime overseas.

We can:

  • Help you find appropriate medical care.
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police.
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent.
  • Provide general information regarding the victim’s role during and after the local investigation.
  • Provide a list of local attorneys. We do not endorse or recommend any specific attorneys.
  • Provide information on victim’s compensation programs in the U.S.
  • Provide information about the Samoa Victims Support Group. This group helps victims of crime in Samoa with local law enforcement liaison and other related matters. They can be reached by telephone number 085-25392.
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution.
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home.
  • Replace a stolen or lost U.S. passport.

Domestic Violence: U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the Embassy for assistance.

Tourism: The tourism industry is not well regulated. Safety inspections for equipment and facilities are rare. Dangerous areas/activities are not always labeled properly. Staff may not be trained or certified by the host government or recognized authorities. If you get injured, you will likely only find limited medical treatment in or near major cities. First responders cannot reach areas outside major cities to provide urgent medical care. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage.

Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you break local laws, even if you don’t know it, you can be kicked out of the country, arrested, or put in prison. If you want to start a business or work in a job that needs special permits or licenses, you should get information from the local authorities before you start.

  • Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Samoa are severe. Convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines.
  • In Samoa, driving under the influence is an arrestable offense.

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on crimes against minors abroad and the Department of Justice website.

Arrest Notification: If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our webpage for further information.

Behavior modification facilities:

  • There is one known behavior modification facility operating in Samoa.
  • Although this facility may be operated and staffed by U.S. citizens, the Samoan government is solely responsible for its compliance with local safety, health, sanitation, and educational laws and regulations. This includes all licensing requirements of the staff in the country.
  • These standards may not be strictly enforced or meet the standards of residential facilities in the United States.
  • U.S. citizens may request assistance returning to the United States. We may also assist U.S. citizen minors in returning to the United States in certain circumstances. Contact the U.S. Embassy in Apia or the Office of American Citizens Services, Bureau of Consular Affairs.

Stray dogs: In Apia, and in many villages, stray dogs wander the streets.

  • You should not approach or feed them. They can become aggressive in the presence of food or if they feel threatened.
  • There have been several cases of attacks by more than one dog.
  • Please exercise appropriate caution when you are walking, running, or riding a bike near stray dogs.

Ferry service:

  • Vessels are sometimes overloaded.
  • One of the multi-deck automobile ferries sometimes transports passengers on its automobile deck.
  • To avoid injury, you should ride only in the passenger compartment. We do not recommend that you ride on the automobile deck during crossings.

Blowholes: Samoa has many “blowholes” (lava tubes open to the sea where wave action can produce geysers). These blowholes are popular tourist attractions. The footing around the mouths of most blowholes is very slippery. To avoid being swept in, you should keep a safe distance. Never stand between the opening of the blowhole and the sea.

Financial transactions: Businesses in Apia and resorts may or may not accept major credit cards (Visa, Master Card and American Express). Most gas stations and businesses outside of Apia only accept cash. You can get Samoan currency from ATMs located in Faleolo Airport, Salelologa, and many locations in Apia. For more information on ATM locations and banking services, visit the ANZ Bank website or the BSP website.

Disaster preparedness:

  • Samoa is located in an area of high seismic activity called the “Ring of Fire”. This area is subject to earthquakes which can trigger tsunamis.
  • The rainy (or monsoon) season in the South Pacific is from November to April. Strong winds, heavy rains, landslides, and disruptions to services can occur.
  • For information about tropical cyclone preparedness, visit our Crisis and Disaster Preparedness webpages, and NOAA's Hurricane Preparedness Guide.
  • For information about all types of natural disasters, visit the CDC webpages.


  • Samoan customs authorities may enforce strict regulations about importing or exporting items. These items include but are not limited to firearms, fruits, honey, pets and other animals.
  • You should contact the Samoan Mission to the United Nations bytelephone at (212) 599-6196 for specific information regarding customs requirements.
  • You can also consult the Samoa Ministry of Revenue website.

Faith-Based Travelers: See the following webpages for details:

International Volunteers:

LGB Travelers: Same-sex sexual relations are a crime in Samoa, with prison terms of up to seven years. The Crimes Ordinance 1961 and the more recent Crimes Act of 2013 criminalize same-sex sexual relations.

  • There is no recognition of same-sex relationships, marriage or adoption by same-sex couples in Samoa.
  • There are also no anti-discrimination laws in place.

See our LGB Travel Information page and section 6 of our Human Rights report for further details.

Travelers with Disabilities: There are no laws pertaining specifically to the status of people with disabilities in Samoa. While most major hotels, restaurants, and cafes are renovating to better accommodate people with disabilities, expect accessibility to be limited in rural areas. Travelers with disabilities should clarify with the hotel what accommodations are available before they book.

Some family-based beach accommodations in the outer villages are also working to provide accessibility for disabled persons.

Many of the new multi-story buildings provide ramps and elevators, but older public buildings do not.

Blind individuals and persons in wheelchairs or on crutches may have difficulty navigating in and around Apia because of a limited number of stoplights and sidewalks.

Most buses and taxis do not accommodate wheelchairs.

See our Travelers with Disabilities page.

Students: See our Students Abroad page and FBI travel tips.

Women Travelers: See our travel tips for Women Travelers.

For emergency services in Samoa, dial 911.

  • Review the CDC Traveler Advice webpage that provides advice on medical considerations including:
    • Reasons for Travel (for example: Adventure Travel, Spring Break Travel)
    • Travelers with Special Considerations (for example: Allergies, Long Term Travelers and Expatriates)
    • and General Tips (for example: Traveling with Medications, Travel Vaccines)

The Department of State, U.S. embassies, and U.S. consulates do not pay medical bills. Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not provide coverage overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance.

Medical Insurance: Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See our Insurance Overseas page for more information on insurance overseas. Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. Check with the Samoa Ministry of Customs and Revenue to ensure the medication is legal in Samoa.

Vaccinations: Be up-to-date on all vaccinations recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In late 2019, Samoa suffered a measles epidemic. Travelers are advised to review their immunity status prior to arrival.

Further health information:

Air Quality: Visit AirNow Department of State for information on air quality at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.

The U.S. Embassy maintains a list of doctors and hospitals. We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic.

Health facilities in general

  • Hospital care is available in Apia but health care in Samoa may be below U.S. standards.
  • Public medical clinics lack basic resources and supplies.
  • Hospitals and doctors often require payment “up front” prior to service or admission. Most hospitals and medical professionals require cash payment.
  • U.S. citizens have lodged a number of complaints about unethical business practices and substandard care.
  • Generally, hospital staffing is minimal overnight. Consider hiring a private nurse or having family spend the night with the patient, especially a minor child.
  • Patients bear all costs for transfer to or between hospitals.
  • Psychological and psychiatric services are limited, even in larger cities, with hospital-based care only available through government institutions.

Medical Tourism and Elective Surgery

  • Medical tourism is a fast-growing industry. Medical standards in Samoa may be different than in the United States. Before you travel for medical reasons, talk to your doctor.
  • Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information on and the risks of Medical Tourism. Find out about the risks of medical tourism and what you can do to prepare before traveling to Samoa.
  • We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation in the event of unforeseen medical complications.
  • Your legal options in case of malpractice are very limited in Samoa.


  • Many over-the-counter medications and prescription medications available in the United States are not readily available in Samoa.
  • Exercise caution when purchasing medication overseas. Pharmaceuticals, which can be bought without a prescription or with a prescription in the United States, are usually easy to buy with few controls. Counterfeit medication is common and may not work, be the wrong strength, or have dangerous ingredients. You should buy medication with the help of a medical professional and from trusted places.
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Food and Drug Administration have rules for bringing medication back to the United States. Medication bought abroad must meet their requirements to be legally brought back. The medication must be for personal use and approved for use in the United States. Visit the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Food and Drug Administration websites for more information.

Water Quality

  • In many areas, tap water is not potable. Bottled water and beverages are generally safe. You should be aware that many restaurants and hotels serve tap water unless bottled water is specifically requested. Be aware that ice for drinks may be made using tap water.

Adventure Travel

  • Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information about Adventure Travel.

General Health Information

The following diseases are common:

Use the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended mosquito repellents and sleep under mosquito nets.

HIV/AIDS: Only minimal treatment is available in Samoa.

Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information about Resources for Travelers regarding specific issues in Samoa.

Road Conditions and Safety:

  • Urban and main roads in Apia and across the island are generally kept in fair condition, although bumps and potholes are common.
  • Side roads tend to be gravel or dirt, and their condition varies considerably, particularly during the rainy season when ruts and bumps develop.
  • In rural areas, the roads may be in poor condition which can make travel difficult. They are often narrow, winding, relatively steep, with no shoulders, and poor lighting. Please exercise increased caution when operating a vehicle in these areas.
  • Flash flooding could occur, which makes the roads dangerous.

Public Transportation:

  • Taxis are widely available.
  • Some taxis are unlicensed. Only use taxis that are licensed.
  • Buses are slow, crowded, uncomfortable, undependable, and rarely used by visitors.
  • Rental cars are available but be aware that limited roadside assistance is available.
  • Most major roads are paved, but secondary roads are predominantly dirt and gravel and may be rough and/or overgrown with vegetation.
  • A four-wheel-drive vehicle is recommended for travel on secondary roads.
  • You should be aware that vehicle safety regulations are rarely enforced, and traffic violations occur routinely.

See our Road Safety page for more information.

Visit the website of the Samoa Tourism Authority for road safety information.

Aviation Safety Oversight: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the government of Samoa’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Samoa’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the FAA’s safety assessment page.

Maritime Travel: Mariners planning travel to Samoa should also check for U.S. maritime advisories and alerts. Information may also be posted to the U.S. Coast Guard homeport website, and the NGA broadcast warnings.

For additional travel information

International Parental Child Abduction

For additional IPCA-related information, please see the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act (ICAPRA) report.

Last Updated: March 10, 2025

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for U.S. Citizens

United States Embassy Samoa
ACC Building,
Apia, Samoa
+685 21436 / 21631 / 21452 or 22696
+685 777 1776 Please leave a message and the Duty Officer will return your call
+(685) 22030

Samoa Map