Reciprocity: What's New? 2024 Archive

12-31 Kenya Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorced Certificates, National ID Cards, Police Clearance Certificates, Prison Records, Court records, Military Records, Travel Documents
12-17 Kosovo General Documents, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, National ID Cards, Court Records, Prison Records, Police Certificates, Military Records, Other Records
12-13 Lebanon Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage and Divorce Certificates
11-29 Norway General Documents, Birth/Death/Burial Certificates, Marriage/Divorce Certificates, Adoption Certificates, Identity Card, Police/Court/Prison Records, Military Records, Passports & Other Travel Documents, Other Records, Visa Issuing Posts, Visa Services
11-29 Equitorial Guinea Police Certificates
11-19 Honduras Police Certificates
11-12 Malaysia Visa Issuing Posts
10-31 Brazil Birth Certificates
10-24 Sweden Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: NATO-1, NATO-2, NATO-3, NATO-4, NATO-5, NATO-6, NATO-7
10-17 South Korea Birth Certificates
10-16 Angola General Documents, Birth Certificates, Death/Burial Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, Adoption Certificates, Identity Card, Police Records, Court Records, Prison Records, Military Records, Passports & Other Travel Documents, Visa Issuing Posts
10-9 Brazil Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: J-1, J-2, O-1, O-2, O-3, P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4
10-3 Croatia General Documents, Birth Certificates, Death/Burial Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, Adoption Certificates, Identity Card, Police Records, Court Records, Prison Records, Military Records, Passports & Other Travel Documents, Other Records, Visa Issuing Posts
9-27 Saudi Arabia Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: A-1, A-2
9-27 Nicaragua Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: I
9-27 France Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: E-1, E-2
8-30 China Visa Issuing Posts
8-28 Canada Police Certificates
8-26 Venezuela Passports & Other Travel Documents
8-23 Guatemala Birth Certificates
8-22 South Korea Adoption Certificates
8-16 Armenia Birth Certificates, Death/Burial Certificates, Marriage Certificate, Divorce Certificates, Adoption Certificates, Passports & Other Travel Documents
8-13 Albania Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Police Records
8-7 Iran Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates
8-6 South Korea Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates
8-6 Vietnam Police Records
8-5 Slovenia Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: F1
7-22 Nicaragua Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, Adoption Certificates, National ID Cards
7-18 Ukraine General Document Information, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, Adoption Certificates, National ID Cards, Police Certificates, Court Records, Prison Records, Military Records, Travel Documents, Post Contact Information. 
7-17 Malaysia Police Records
7-17 South Korea Police Records, Prison Records, Court Records
7-17 Trinidad and Tobago Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Adoption Certificates, National ID cards
7-12 Latvia General Document Information, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Police Certificates, Military Records, Passports and Other Documents
6-28 Nicaragua Police certificates
6-25 Pakistan General Document Information, Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, Adoption Certificates, Police Certificates, Passports & Other Travel Documents
6-15 Serbia Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Police Certificates, Other Records
6-13 Kazakhstan Marriage Certificates, Court/Prison Records, Police Certificates, Post Contact Information, Visa Services 
6-11 Saudi Arabia Birth Certificates, Police Certificates
6-11 Argentina Police Certificates
6-10 Mauritania Marriage Certficates
6-7 Egypt Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Police Certificates
6-6 Andorra Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: H-1B, L-1, R-1
6-6 Brazil Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: O-1, O-2, O-3, P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, Q-1
6-6 Ecuador Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: H-4, L-2, R-1, R-2
6-6 Iceland Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: H-1B, H-4
6-6 United Arab Emirates Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: H-2A, H-2B, H-2R, O-1, O-2, O-3, P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, Q-1
6-6 Kyrgyzstan Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: H-2A, H-1C, H-2B, H-2R, H-3, O-1, O-2, O-3, P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, Q-1, J-1, J-2, M-1, M-2
6-6 Mexico Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: H-1B, H4, L1, L2
6-4 Venezuela Passports & Other Travel Documents
5-24 Spain General Documents, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, National ID Cards, Police Certificates, Court/Prison Records, Military Records, Travel Documents, Other Records, Post Contact Information, Visa Services
4-22 Suriname General Documents, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, National ID Cards, Police Certificates, Prison Records, Court Records, Military Records, Travel Documents, Other Records, Post Contact Information, Visa Services
4-16 Papua New Guinea Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: B-1, B-2, B-1/B-2
4-9  Australia Police Certificates
4-9 Venezuela Birth Certifcates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, Identity Card
3-27 Portugal Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: E-1, E-2
3-25 Venezuela Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, Identity Cards
3-22 Liechtenstein Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: F-1, R-1, R-2
3-20 Iraq Visa Issuing Posts, Visa Services
3-14 Comoros Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: A-1, A-2, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4
3-11 Hong Kong Police Certificates
3-7 Belgium Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, Adoption Certificates, Police Certificates, Court Certificates, Travel Documents
3-6 Belgium National ID Cards, Travel Documents 
3-6 Cuba General Documents, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certiicates, Police Certificates, Travel Documents, and Visa Services
3-4 Kyrgyzstan Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: B-1, B-2, B-1/B-2
2-26 North Macedonia General Documents, Birth Certificates, Death/Burial Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Statement of Unmarried Status, Divorce Certificates, Adoption Certificates, Identity Card, Court Records, Prison Records, Military Records, Passports & Other Travel Documents 
2-15 Egypt Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates. Police Certificates, Military Records 
2-15 Portugal Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV category: C-1D
2-12 Austria Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: L1, L2
2-12 Sweden Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV categories: H-1B, H4
2-12 Uganda Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV category: C-1D
2-12 Syria Passports & Other Travel Documents
2-8 Taiwan General Documents, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, National ID Cards. Travel Documents, Other Records
2-6 Georgia Police Records
2-5 Nigeria Police Certificates
2-5 Malaysia Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, Adoption Certificates
1-24 South Korea Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Police/Prison Records, Court Records, Passport and Other Travel Documents 
1-23 South Korea Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, Adoption Certificates, National ID Cards, Police/Prison Records, Court Records, Military Records, Travel Records, Visa Issuing Posts, Visa Services 
1-18 Colombia Birth Certificates, Death/Burial Certificates, Marriage/Divorce Certificates 
1-11 Guyana Police Certificates
1-4 Qatar Visa Reciprocity Schedule for the following NIV category: A-1
1-4 Germany Police Certificates
1-4 Eritrea Passports and Other Travel Documents