Applying for a Second Passport Book

If you have a valid U.S. passport book and you meet several requirements, you may be eligible for a second book. A second passport book is valid for four years or less. The new passport will include the same personal information as your other passport.

Examples of cases when we may issue a second passport book include:

  • A foreign country will deny a visa or entry to you because your passport has stamps showing travel to certain countries. Example: an Israeli visa, or entry or exit stamp in some countries in the Middle East. 
  • You need visas for several countries on an ongoing basis because of frequent international travel. Example: you work for an international airline or a multinational company.
  • You need a U.S. passport for urgent travel, and a foreign country delayed your application for a visa or cannot process it in time for your travel. 
  • When you need:
    • A special validation for travel to a restricted country or area.
    • To prevent the cancelation of a valid passport that has a valid visa.
    • To change an endorsement on your passport book in emergency circumstances.
    • More endorsements, but they do not fit on the endorsement page of the passport book.

We only issue second passport books, not second passport cards.


Steps to Apply for a Second Passport Book

The form you fill out depends if you submit your most recent passport book. 
  1. Apply for a second passport book using Form DS-82 if:
  2. Renew your second passport book using Form DS-82 if you can submit it with your application. 
  3. Apply in person at an acceptance facility or passport agency using Form DS-11 if you cannot submit your passport book.

Tips to complete your form:

  • Complete all parts of the form on a desktop or laptop computer.
  • Sign and date Form DS-82. 
  • Do not sign Form DS-11 until asked to do so by a passport acceptance agent or employee. 
  • Print your form on single-sided paper. We do not accept double-sided forms.
  • Check the information you entered if you did not get the form you expected to receive on our form filler. 
  • You may request a larger passport book with more visa pages at no extra cost. Check the 'large book' box at the top of the form.

Complete a signed and dated statement explaining why you need a second passport book.

You must provide one new photo with your application. Go to our Passport Photo page for photo requirements and to see examples of photos.

We have different fees that depend on your application, and how fast you need your passport. Go to our Passport Fees page for more information. 

  • Traveling in more than 3 weeks? 
    • Form DS-82: Mail your application and supporting documents to one of the addresses on the form.
    • Form DS-11: Go to a passport acceptance facility. Check with the facility to see if you need to make an appointment. 
  • Traveling in less than 3 weeks? Make an appointment to apply at a passport agency or center.

Application status updates will be sent to the email address you provided on your application. You can also check the status of the application online and learn more about each status update.

It may take 2 weeks from the day you apply until your application status is “In Process.” 

Replacing your second passport book after a name change


If ... Then...
You are requesting the name change less than one year since receiving your second passport and legally changing your name
  1. Fill out Form DS-5504.
  2. Sign and date a statement explaining why you still need a second passport book after your name change. 
  3. Submit your second passport book.
  4. Include name change documents. Examples include a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order.
  5. Provide a passport photo.
  6. Mail completed application to the address listed on Form DS-5504.
There’s no cost for this service unless you’re requesting expedited service which will cost $60.
You are requesting the name change more than one year after receiving your second passport or legally changing your name Follow the application steps listed above in the "Steps to Apply for a Second Passport Book" section on this webpage.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends.

If you are using Forms DS-82 or DS-5504, mail these forms using the U.S. Postal Service. Postal employees should never review these forms before you mail them. 

If you are using Form DS-11, go to an acceptance facility. An agent will review and accept your form and supporting documents. You may need to make an appointment at these locations. 



Yes. We will print a special endorsement code in your passport book.


Yes. When you receive your second passport book, the number on the document will be different.

Update your Trusted Traveler account information with your new passport number.

Last Updated: November 6, 2024