Consular Notification and Access


Contact Info for Foreign Embassies & Consulates

Korea, Republic of

South Korea
Republic of Korea

Foreign Consular Office Contact Information

Washington, DC

Email the South Korean Embassy

Telephone (202) 939-5653; Fax (202) 342-1597

Anchorage, AK

Telephone (907) 339-7955; Fax (907) 339-0411

Atlanta, GA

Telephone (404) 522-1611; Fax (404) 521-3169

Boston, MA

Telephone (617) 641-2830; Fax (617) 641-2831

Chicago, IL

Telephone (312) 822-9485; Fax (312) 822-9849

Dallas, TX

Telephone (972) 701-0180; Fax (972) 701-0183

Hagatna, GU

Telephone (671) 647-6488; Fax (671) 649-1336

Honolulu, HI

Telephone (808) 595-6109; Fax (808) 595-3046

Houston, TX

Telephone (713) 961-0186; Fax (713) 961-3340

Los Angeles, CA

Telephone (213) 385-9300; Fax (213) 385-1849

New York, NY

Telephone (646) 674-6000; Fax (646) 674-6023

San Francisco, CA

Telephone (415) 921-2251; Fax (415) 921-5946

Seattle, WA

Telephone (206) 441-1011; Fax (206) 441-7912