File a Hague Application

Discuss your options with your country officer

Deciding whether to file an application under the Hague Abduction Convention (Convention) is important. It will depend on each case’s specific circumstances. The country officer assigned to your child’s case can tell you what options generally exist. They can also explain how to file a Hague application. Please note that the country officer cannot provide you with legal advice. Before deciding, you should speak to an attorney about your particular circumstances and options.

NOTE: A custody order is not a requirement to file a Hague application. Any delays in filing could affect the outcome of the case. For example, if it has been more than one year from the wrongful removal or retention before the Convention proceedings commence, it may be more difficult to have a child returned under the Convention.

Contact a country officer to learn if the Hague Abduction Convention could be an option.

Are You Eligible to File a Hague Application?

What country was your child taken to?
Is your child under 16 years old?