Training & Outreach by the State Department

State Department Activities to Increase Access Awareness and Compliance for Consular Notification and Access

Live Training and Outreach

U.S. State Department provides training on consular notification and access to federal, state, and local law enforcement, corrections and criminal justice officials free of charge via Zoom.

If your agency or department is interested in a live training, please email us at

Training Materials

Pre-recorded Training Video

Our pre-recorded training video covers the same topics as our live training sessions. We recommend attending the live sessions if possible because they allow you to ask questions and have open discussions. However, if you don't have enough new employees to justify a live session with us, we encourage using the recorded video as part of your new employee orientation process.

The pre-recorded video can also be used as a refresher for existing employees. Watching it can help ensure your staff follows all laws around consular notification and access correctly.

Request an access code to watch the pre-recorded training, email:

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We are available to work with editors and authors interested in publishing or writing feature pieces about consular notification and access. Please email us at with article ideas and any questions.

CALEA Standard

The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc., published a consular notification and access standard in theirStandards for Law Enforcement Agencies. The CNA standard requires all law enforcement agencies to implement a written directive governing procedures for ensuring compliance with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and the other consular notification treaties. Law enforcement may use the State Department's model CNA SOP as a template for drafting the required directive. CALEA members represent approximately 80 percent of the law enforcement profession in the U.S. The Commission derives its accreditation authority from those agencies that voluntarily participate in the accreditation program. For more information about CALEA accreditation, please visit the CALEA website.

Consular Notification and Access is also an accreditation standard for the American Correctional Association (ACA) and the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA).