Update: Search for Accrediting Entities

Last Updated: November 4, 2021

The Department of State is pleased to announce it will be moving forward in discussions with the non-profit Center for Excellence in Adoption Services (CEAS) on being designated as an accrediting entity (AE) to accredit, approve, monitor, and oversee the work of U.S. adoption service providers (ASP) in intercountry adoptions. CEAS submitted a Statement of Interest in response to The Department‘s Request for Statements of Interest in October 2020. The Department published the request with the intention of designating a second accrediting entity pursuant to the Hague Adoption Convention, the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000, the Universal Accreditation Act of 2012, and applicable regulations at 22 CFR Part 96. If designated, CEAS will work alongside the Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME), which is currently the sole designated accrediting entity for U.S. ASPs. 

Intercountry adoption is one of the Department’s highest priorities and we work bilaterally and within the United States to ensure it remains a viable option for children in need of permanency. The Office of Children’s Issues, which executes the day-to-day functions of the U.S. Central Authority for the Hague Adoption Convention, will provide additional information as it becomes available.