Proposed Regulatory Change to Prevent Accreditation and Approval Renewal Requests from Coming Due at the Same Time

Last Updated: June 11, 2015

The Department has published a proposed rule addressing procedural aspects of the Intercountry Adoption Accreditation Regulations concerning the length of accreditation or approval found in 22 CFR part 96. Subpart G of Part 96 governs decisions on applications for accreditation and approval, and Section 96.60 provides for accreditation or approval for a period of four years. However, Section 96.60 does not currently provide the opportunity to stagger the renewal applications, which results in many renewal applications coming due at the same time. This proposed rule will aid the accrediting entity in managing its workload by permitting staggering based on criteria included in the rule. 

The Department welcomes public comments on the proposed rule. The proposed rule is open to public comment through July 10, 2015.  See the proposed rule and make comments via To reach the correct docket, search for docket number DOS–2014–0015 in the large search field on the landing page.