Poland: Post-Adoption Reporting Requirements

Last Updated: June 4, 2024

The Office of Children’s Issues continues to be in close contact with the Polish Central Authority, the Ministry of Family and Social Policy, regarding their concerns about missing post adoption reports from U.S. citizen parents who adopted children from Poland. Missing or delayed post-adoption reports is a critical issue that threatens the viability of intercountry adoption in many countries around the world. Post-adoption reports provide assurance to the authorities in an adopted child’s country of origin that children who are placed with permanent families in the United States are receiving appropriate care and protection.  

The Department of State strongly urges all adoptive parents to take seriously the post adoption reporting obligations agreed to at the time of an adoption in Poland. We ask adoptive parents to comply with post-adoption requirements in a timely manner and to submit any missing reports as soon as possible. Timely completion will help ensure that intercountry adoption remains a viable option for eligible children in Poland.  

We understand there are many reasons an adoptive family may be late or unclear about the importance of submitting post-adoption reports. If you have questions or concerns about following through with this important commitment to the Government of Poland, we encourage you to communicate with your adoption service provider or with this office via email to Adoption@state.gov. The Department of State appreciates your support in this matter. Your cooperation will contribute to Poland’s history of positive experience with U.S. citizen adoptive parents.

Instructions for submission:
Poland requires that adoptive parents complete these reports once a year for the first three years as of the day the adoption is finalized, and thereafter, once every three years until the child turns 18 years old.

The post-adoption report must be completed by a social worker or agency licensed in the adoptive parents’ state of residence. The ASP Directory includes all U.S. accredited or approved adoption service providers, many of whom can assist with post adoption reporting or provide helpful referrals to other organization or individuals. Parents may also wish to review the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) publication on The Adoption Home Study Process since many agencies and individuals who perform home studies also prepare post adoption reports.  

The report should include the following identifying information: the parents ’names; child’s name, date of birth, and location from which the child was adopted; and current photos of the child. Reports should also include several sentences on each of the following:

  1. General History of the child
  2. Health and Development
  3. Education and Extracurricular activities
  4. Family and Community
  5. Habits and Routines
  6. Conclusion of Child’s Wellbeing

The post adoption report must be notarized by the state’s Secretary of State and translated by an official, certified translator. Once the report has been notarized and translated, the report should be submitted to the Catholic Adoption Center in Warsaw, Poland (address: Catholic Adoption Center Katolicki Ośrodek Adopcyjny, ul. Ratuszowa 5; 03-461 Warsaw).

Please continue to monitor adoption.state.gov for updated information on intercountry adoption in Poland.